This is a good work for sure! The melodies are kinda catchy, and the sound selection is delightful. It deserves a prominent spot on the music deathmatch contest. My only suggestion would be to prioritize maintaining a clean audio signature over loudness. Aim for a balanced crest factor instead of relying solely on clippers or limiters. This will ensure your music retains its clarity and dynamic range, even at higher volumes.
There's no need to push the overall loudness quite so aggressively. Additionally, the high frequencies seem a bit prominent compared to the lows. There's potentially a 3dB difference. A true peak limiter can be a valuable tool... Wavebreaker is a free vst plugin option. It can help achieve a more balanced master while ensuring your track retains its peak level without any perceivable distortion. I set the threshold between -1db and -0.5db when excessive loudness is not required.
While mixing mistakes are understandable, exceeding 0db can damage the outputs of analog equipment. That's why there's a limit in place.
TL;DR This track showcases brilliant sound design and a wealth of sonic details. There's a hidden potential here waiting to be unlocked for an even more captivating listening experience.